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Yasiel Palomino Perez

YASIEL PALOMINO PEREZ  was born on September 30, 1984 in a small town in the east of Cuba, Las Tunas.  As a young child he soon gained acclaim in amateur art competitions. 


In 2006 he graduated from La Academia de Artes de la Provinca Las Tunas.  While studying he also lectured at his alma mater and dedicated his leisure time to producing his own artworks to which he fully committed in 2009. 


In 2015 Palomino moved to Namibia where his artistic practice has flourished.


See also Odissey on Canvas Exhibition


Past Exhibitions:  Being Palomino's third solo exhibition in Windhoek, COLOURFUL follows close on the heels of COLOURLESS, an existential project that was exhibited at the FNCC in 2015.  While COLOURLESS tried to represent his understanding of the human being from the inside, from a rough and even grotesque point of view, and the decay it is subjected to in our contemporary world.  COLOURFUL focuses on outer, formal magnificence.


In this instance, COLOURFUL is formulated as the physical and conceptual opposite to its predecessor COLOURLESS.  These two exhibitions, in their contrast and harmony, show the incredible range and skill of the artist.  Using every colour available to him, Palomino investigates humanity from a complex perspective; despite the use of colour, in fact, sorrow is hard to escape.  The realism allowed by this means of expression ultimately enhances the artist’s ability to communicate the full range of human emotion.


This project is the result of an in-depth exploration of the medium of acrylic.  Palomino has expanded his range through study and experimentation of previous art movements such as Expressionism and Fauvism.  In this way his works are directly influenced by the painting of artists he admires.  This study has allowed Palomino to develop his abilities, forming a greater connection between Painter and Subject.

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